Sunday, February 27, 2011

Can Ringworm Form On The Breast

expected policy

been shown to play political times an important role. It was almost unanimous opinion that the political figure of Tomás Gómez, after the primary process was diluted Madrid. Nothing is further from reality .

could not happen that the winner of the primaries that had aroused so much hope in socialism Madrid had been deflated. People who have been close to him and his team earlier in the process, we knew that what came later, within the Socialist Organization in Madrid, needed a lot of dedication and therefore had to set priorities.
Past events and past, have been the adoption of the electoral roll for autonomy and local elections in May, now in sight for development work.

Thus, Thomas Gomez, within the framework of the Madrid conference " Social Services that we " held this weekend, announces: " commitment to provide a new pay extra for pensions tax if he governs in the region from May 22 to reduce the risk of poverty among older . "

know that the microphones reproduce all the speeches and promises. Also, the paper holds everything you print, and therefore, this ad would stay on one more, if not inside the stated commitment and explains how it makes the promise a reality.

words, on the economic reality we now live is argued that: That does not mean that they will increase spending in this community of 13 million euros, meaning how do we stop spending 700 million euro propaganda, as has been spent in the last four years, gives us for the fifteenth pays for Better Health and to start in six months Dependency Act, "he explained.

This is a measure that is extracted from the findings of proposals which seek to "redefine " the System of Social Services among which are the implementation of a "Basic Network Social Services. "


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