Saturday, March 26, 2011

Can You Get E Coli From Strawberries

With renewed strength

The evening of last Friday was the day chosen to showcase the Socialist candidacy to the City of Getafe. With sold out of the Conservatory of Music, presents the candidate Pedro Castro, accompanied by the socialist candidate for president of the Community of Madrid, Tomas Gomez and Defence Minister, Carme Chacón.

Great expectations of media, socialists and neighbors in general are attracted to the call of the act. We must remember that the first meeting in Getafe the Secretary General of the PSM and Mayor Pedro Castro. This is important, and could not be better choices invited the minister Carme Chacón.

From the first words was clear, and Castro was revealed that the Bid would win Getafe in Getafe and in addition help Thomas Gomez to win in Madrid.

When Gomez took the floor, he said that some had hoped " a train wreck" between the two candidates, the reality is quite different, and the two locomotives are coupled in the direction of Puerta del Sol in Madrid.
great skill and consistency of Carme Chacón as involved after Peter and before Thomas. Do justice minister praised the work done by the Mayor, who happens to be the best guarantee for voters to assess their candidacy.

Tomás Gómez, expresses his desire to coincide with him in a public event. He credits the strong political personality and relates some personal coincidences that unites them.

This is the perception of what happened in the personal, from the perspective of the citizen journalist, therefore, following this line, the video showed the summary of what happened in politics.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Uncensored Spermania 10

The bright day we had yesterday Madrid heralded the beginning of spring. And within that station, is predicted to be a spring full of red roses. This was perceived in the environment that was present in the Cecilio Rodríguez gardens within Retiro Park.

Work that is PSM by presenting their ideas and projects in the municipalities of the Community of Madrid, collecting all the concerns and needs expressed by its neighbors, it is helping to plan and structure a government plan to correct the current situation reported by citizens.

I want to emphasize two things: first, the application is made to persons of recognized standing and political experience capable of carrying out an excellent action of government. Tomás Gómez, has established a team with winning profile.
The second issue, and yesterday showed the Socialist candidate. We must do a field that encourages society to participate actively in Madrid on 22 May.

While the Popular Party, tried to bring these issues to national elections, the Socialist Party in Madrid, is required to demonstrate that they have their moment of national debate, and now it touches are the Community Councils and Madrid.

We must recognize that until Thomas Gomez, in each of the acts is showing a deep understanding of the problems of Madrid society. In addition, gradually offers solutions from a position of the progressive left.

vigilance. The events will occur and outbreaks of red roses every day pushing harder to see the light of spring.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Prom Dresses For Women With Big Boobs


The world is globalized is clear, would never have thought that someone you know Japanese, so the personal pages is that there are two people who have been here, on this blog from the Far East that which now spend days very difficult, I have followed their fortunes from their blogs and I have made the suffering people closer, more direct, more painful was not necessary, because nothing is comparable with they are going in person.

These two known blog to which I would hug from this site are: Flo Sendai, which indicates that in Sendai as one of the hardest hit areas in his blog ( ) you can read a daily shocking, and also of Ruma, Calligraphy in the Landscape, ( ), in which its sensitivity has been broken by the tragedy.

Through them I would highlight the value of this village, with each image that comes to us we are surprised by her strength, courage and how to take the pain differently of living and understanding life at certain times until we find it difficult to understand.

get close I would also like the draft of the 1000 paper cranes, rather than explain what it is I leave the link in their promoter Makiko, a Japanese resident in Madrid.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How Long Can You Store Pinot Noir

Winning Bid Getafe, a unique city I am inexperienced

Anyone following the development of social networks can appreciate the intense activity carried out by the City of Getafe. At present the municipal corporation represented by Mayor Pedro Castro, agrees with organizations, groups and social partners, a commitment to the future of the city.

This formula is not new. Thus, recent legislatures have been translating into similar documents the hopes that Getafe Neighbours wanted for our city. Term agreements are reaching a high degree of compliance. Hence, to have confidence in the model of the covenant.

Yesterday afternoon, was signed in Perales del Río, the contents of that agreement is a significant step for the future of this district of Getafe. In addition, we are committed to meet every six months to discuss the development of compliance signed.

Obviously, such meetings should also serve to collect the ideas and concerns of citizens about the future revisionist the General Urban Plan. Therefore, to Perales del Río, it is very important because it provides a comprehensive urban development.

housing Talking at the moment, seems unrealistic and dreamy. But the reality today is a result of Getafe live an urban project that was founded in 2004. Therefore, looking to the future plan is consistent if we assess the data presented in the following video that explains the present building in Getafe.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Chivas Regal Gallon Price


The forum Artelista friend, has created a very interesting study abstract art and hence was born the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating something sharing experience and is where, I have been complicated a little, I wanted to leave step, but as it is rolled and in this we are to begin with and where possible following the steps de Staël, for being the model chosen for me, I took a landscape, in this case borrowed from my friend Roberto Di Rodis--s subjects (with permission) and started with a sketch waiting to tell me something good and there is where the mess, as he spoke quietly moonlighting and now I'm in a garden I do not know how it will end, but ran out.
Now there are five canvases started, some more figurative some quite abstract and I will be showing in process or completed.

initial Roberto

first study in pencil

color areas

First color sketch

Another sketch on pape,

Thursday, March 10, 2011

First Response Light Test Line

professional Counterfeiting has become the head was Izquierda Unida list for mayor of Getafe, this behavior revealing a political unknown to thousands of people who are dedicated to chronicling the social and political present .

In the previous entry commented on the irregularities committed by Javier Viondi, when drawing up your resume and attributed the title of doctor. Thing is, it has been revealed to be false.

Whenever there is such a thing, and given that for years has boasted of false profession, raises the suspicion and the question arises: is known within your organization policy of the degree of falsehood? If, as is demonstrated, it was known, why is silent and is still the game? And above all, if previously silent what is the real reason that causes the public denunciation?

are questions which, people who are in the network selflessly for the sole purpose of creating views, advocating progressive positions, discussed from different points of view that there are no absolutes and everything is improved, when we with exhibitions like Santos Vázquez ago in his blog, get us to feel inexperienced and unskilled in the frame that shows in his score.

generated debate and comments, reveal a worrying situation for the left. Optimists argue that these things are characteristic of election campaigns, it's always something. My opinion is that this time the media coverage is different, and if, before these comments were in small circles, social networks today echo them, and do not know the cause and effect that can occur in the electorate.

If we analyze the suspicious transaction that is designed, the alleged actors involved and the comments generated, we can affirm that one another, and strangers, expose some experiences that you are doing a favor gritty leftist organizations in Getafe.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ward's Ap Bio Cbl 2 Lab 2 Answers


more than 160 years ago women began to organize a movement, both to defend their rights to recover ancient traditions. The UN adopted this day as the Women's Day in memory of a traumatic event that revealed the inhumane conditions under which forced women to work. The International Women's Day today is a political appointment and social reflection on the lives of women around the world but from ancient Greece, Alexandria, Rome, Africa and Japan, were held in March in rituals and tributes women's honor and power. In Rome the "Matronalia" honoring the patron goddess of women and family. Torches were lit in the temples, offered prayers and women received gifts from men. Ireland was the Feast of Rhiannon where the Vestal Virgins, priestesses of the goddess of Cleansing Fire, Vesta, the inspiration, was evoked and lit candles on your behalf to get inspiration. In old England, this was originally the Mother's Day. In Japan, the party took place the wrists, held especially for girls whose dolls representing their ancestors. In northern Africa honoring the Queen Mother, Isis, whose cult spread throughout Asia and Europe. Egyptian image (where the Queen Isis was the throne, authority and culture) in that the Goddess is breast-feeding her child, then extends to Christian image of Mary and Jesus, representing the fundamental link on which societies are built. As the month of the arrival of spring in the north, the celebrations began welcoming festival of flowers, colors, fruit. Fertility, joy, play and the greens of spring. The Feast of Aphrodite and her lover Adonis, celebrated the love and happiness of the couples and the "Liberalia" allowed, at the same time, slaves speak freely and to live up to certain freedoms that go beyond the limits normally imposed, as we were the carnival, also celebrated at this time. Purin's Eve among the Jews, celebrates Queen Esther who saved Jews from Haman who sought to kill them is a day to think about the power of women and the victory of women's strategies on violence against men. The feasts of Minerva, the goddess of arts and sciences; of Hilaria, the goddess of laughter, the German goddess of Eosta, rebirth and regeneration, as well as that of Hypatia (the pagan God who taught in Alexandria all philosophers and scholars teachers) call intelligence, ingenuity, creativity, boldness, humor and encourage us to celebrate these days our own festivities in honor of Women!

Jaqui Zieler

(From Every Day is a Fiesta, Z. Budapest)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How High Do U Have To Ollie To Kickflip

Each is who is

I sincerely regret that the United Left candidate for the City of Getafe, Javier Viondi, has been forced to resign as number one on the list because of not having the professional qualification that will accredit as medical .

I have not had the opportunity to ask what should be the invention and for what. Javier, presents a series of personal values \u200b\u200bthat have no direct connection with any academic qualifications. That is, the verb forms, ways, his life has shown that political ethics are skills that do not correspond with what happened. Yes it is true that when commenting on the qualities above, there were those who in good faith, said: " a doctor and it shows ." And precisely the false certification is the cause that keeps him from the race for mayor.

For the other, are values \u200b\u200band principles that will not lose in 24 hours. But deception in politics is the best weapon that you offer your political opponent. The lack of credibility is the greatest enemy and Javier, it was not convincing.

The other side of the coin

must be said loud and clear, the securities referred to above are that at some point when Esperanza Aguirre, announced that temporarily removed from public activity, all the progressive and conservative political spectrum, we express our best wishes for recovery. They seem to have an effect.

However, when Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, the person who is admitted to a hospital, "The fool " Federico Jimenez Losantos, shows not know what it means dignity or ethics, or values, or principles, or anything that is called humanity, and takes the opportunity to release outbursts of this kind: "I do not know if Rubalcaba is sick or pretend, I can not understand how a prostate examination, digital rectal examination, radiographs, and increased urinary infection can produce PSA, nor do I know if you have damaged the pancreas, prostate, or only ethics, is dying. "

Doom has to do justice and Mr. Rubalcaba has the right to overcome this process. My best wishes for recovery .

I will not insist. The two models is demonstrated that the English society can give us. Certainly I am left with the values \u200b\u200band principles on the right.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Relationship Counters

Vassili work for a great art idea

This February in the Blog a much art as objective put your feet or shoes, and left some interesting interpretations I encourage you to see the link above, these are mine.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Onde Encontrar Os Pokemons

Freedom of the media

In the series of gatherings open to celebrate the Fundación César Navarro, we have tried to "freedom of the media." Emilio Gonzalez and Juan Francisco Velasco, have been those who introduced the theme exhibition. I have limited to moderate the debate and make some reflection cheerleader.

As usual, Emilio, has done an excellent job of research on the publishing groups that publish the media and the relationship that lead to line editor. It also offers us economic data wholesalers owners of the media. This, as usual served for attendees to get into the discussion by outlining our views on the subject matter.
This time, we have enriched the exhibition with the presence of the young Juan Francisco Velasco has submitted a very serious and rigorous discussion of the situation currently living in Spain journalism.

Under the title

So tells the harsh reality of the profession. Juan Francisco, among other things says
In my view, the journalist did not have so many internal conflicts about whether it is still free or not. In other words, is not like Rodin's thinker distressed ... However, if there are other productive routines that end up undermining the quality of information, independence and, therefore, freedom .

recommend reading the argument.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bun Creatinine For Cellulitis

Very dynamic and informative

This is the website of the socialist candidate for the Community of Madrid, Tomas Gomez. In it, we will find all the information related to the actions, proposals, ideas and contributions of the last hour of the scheduled events .

Click on the picture and expands detail.
It also lets you customize the information and when you enter your data, you receive individualized treatment. Also select the candidate of the socialist municipality where you reside.
most interesting of all are the informational sections, which can assess the political offer that makes the Socialist Party in Madrid and the contributions that we present to solve the problems.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Watch Da Cor Do Pecado With English Subtitles

not want to sleep only 80 U.S. medical

Of course children do not want to sleep alone! Neither want nor need. Babies who are not in contact with the body of their mothers, showed a bleak empty universe that is well away from the desire that brought him from the period they lived in the love of their mothers womb. Newborn babies are not ready for a leap into nothingness: a crib with no movement, no smell, no sound, no sensation of life. This separation the mother's body causes more suffering than we can imagine and set a nonsense in the mother-child bond. It's okay if we bring children into bed. We'll all be happy. You just need to be tested to make sure the child goes to sleep with smiles, that night is soft and there is nothing that can be counterproductive when there is no prosperity. Unfortunately, young mothers are wary of our ability to understand the orders of our children who are unmistakably clear. The idea that social circle needs a baby makes them "spoiled", but paradoxically, time and again get the opposite result was expected because the extent do not sleep melee with children, nor touch, nor the tight ... they will claim more and more. Consider that the "time" for young children is seen as a painful and heartbreaking if the mother does not attend, unlike the experiences in the womb where every need was met instantly. Now the wait, it hurts. If children have to wait too long to find comfort in the arms of his mother, cling to the breasts vigorously, biting, hurting or crying, just have access to the maternal body. Fear is the main company, because they know that the absence of the mother will eat them anytime. Children are right in demanding physical contact because they are totally dependent on maternal care. Are aware of their fragile state and do what all healthy children do: require adequate care for their survival. The night is long and dark, and no child should go through it when alone. How long? Until the child does not need it anymore.

Laura Gutman.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Can Ringworm Form On The Breast

expected policy

been shown to play political times an important role. It was almost unanimous opinion that the political figure of Tomás Gómez, after the primary process was diluted Madrid. Nothing is further from reality .

could not happen that the winner of the primaries that had aroused so much hope in socialism Madrid had been deflated. People who have been close to him and his team earlier in the process, we knew that what came later, within the Socialist Organization in Madrid, needed a lot of dedication and therefore had to set priorities.
Past events and past, have been the adoption of the electoral roll for autonomy and local elections in May, now in sight for development work.

Thus, Thomas Gomez, within the framework of the Madrid conference " Social Services that we " held this weekend, announces: " commitment to provide a new pay extra for pensions tax if he governs in the region from May 22 to reduce the risk of poverty among older . "

know that the microphones reproduce all the speeches and promises. Also, the paper holds everything you print, and therefore, this ad would stay on one more, if not inside the stated commitment and explains how it makes the promise a reality.

words, on the economic reality we now live is argued that: That does not mean that they will increase spending in this community of 13 million euros, meaning how do we stop spending 700 million euro propaganda, as has been spent in the last four years, gives us for the fifteenth pays for Better Health and to start in six months Dependency Act, "he explained.

This is a measure that is extracted from the findings of proposals which seek to "redefine " the System of Social Services among which are the implementation of a "Basic Network Social Services. "

Friday, February 25, 2011

Halloween Names For Tombstones

human misery

In the tranquil silence of the night I want to express some situations that have impacted me lately. Since then always related to the behavior I perceive people .

The first reference is to some pictures I've seen on how to treat others in India. It seems that a football game attracts many people who want to watch the match and since there are no places for all, others charged with " order" with sticks, are displacing the tumult in surprising ways. That is, as if to whom he dedicated the home runs were not equals. And as those affected were resigned to aggression.

This is a trivial act before the killing of people in Libya, led by a tyrant boss who understands that these people belongs and can do with them what he pleases. Should think that he and his family are chosen for a pleasant life and everyone else is at your service. Crazy that the international community should numb.

Then, in our democratic society we have what is known as " political shamelessness." That is, political parties, guided by the results of surveys do not hurt garments proclaiming presidential candidate of a community to a man who is accused in court. To be consistent admit, that besides the case of Popular Party in Valencia, it seems that in other locations different political sign, there is also a figure of dubious behavior that occurs to the verdict of the public.

The latter is what really surprises. I believe that if society had severe critical values \u200b\u200bwith those suspected of not exercising ethics in governance, and therefore sanctioned by the indifference to these candidates, we would be helping political parties to clean the brush that may be inside .

close with a personal reference. In Getafe, calm stress that we are living within the Socialist Group, leads to our newly built membership to blindly follow any intended message, and therefore, do not hesitate to say that I conspired against the candidate and mayor Pedro Castro.

There is a popular saying: " actions speak louder than words ." That is reflected my political position in the open letter to the president of the Community of Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Broken Capillaries From Black Eye Help

"This is not to lament but to move forward together." With this slogan is operating since 2005, the FORUM PERALES. An experience of coordination and participation in a suburb of Getafe. This project collaborative reflection and action emerged to find solutions to the problems of relationship between young people and of these, with other neighbors from Perales del Río.

Over the five years it has developed its activities under the premise of "service learning " broad sectors of society led by the Community School are undertaking initiatives to facilitate the objectives coexistence.

Seizing the decision making the Department of Education of the City of Getafe, to create the COMMITTEE PARTICIPATION CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS OF GETAFE , this youth group presents the following program:

of adolescent, Paul (framed) explains that not talking much because Thursday is " rhetorical debate." This case draws attention through his explanation and know that the Ministry of Education held on February 24 at the Faculty of Law, Complutense University, the final phase II School Debate Tournament of the Community of Madrid to improve argumentative capacity, and language skills of students. The theme this year will be " live better than our parents at our age ?

know Details School Debate Tournament II . Especially when, with the tournament seeks to achieve the full development of personality and skills of students and education in the exercise of tolerance and freedom within the democratic principles of coexistence, as well as conflict prevention and resolution .

Certainly, if future generations are imbued with these qualities, the general public to gain maximum benefit. Paul encourages school officials that their institutions applying for this type of tournament.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Does Exercising Make A Hiatal Hernia Protrude


I've always said that in painting the series are repeating a mistake or taking advantage of a hit, I said that for this reason it attracted me and never would. Now is when comes the justification, if it is a study, if it is a way to find the best way to express themselves, and much more. ... Of things they say.
But I'm pretty stubborn, rather stubborn, I take back my initial opinion is I still think the same. What aggravates the situation still is the fact that I bought six new fabrics intended to crush another landscape. You'll have to eat my own words and stop praising the repetition of a mistake or taking advantage of a hit. That things that happen to me.
I put the images in chronological order, all named for the landscape Source Huescar far sentimental link with me.
The first two are new, unfinished, is the first time that I present. The course has refused to take a good photo.

Source Huescar,
tabletop acrylic on recycled 120x55 cm

Monotype 15 x 20 cm

Acrylic on recycled cardboard, 21x29 cm

Monotype 15 x 20 cm

Friday, February 18, 2011

Mango Wood For Outdoors?

an engaging experience in defense of our rights

did not have enough with the number who rode in the Assembly of Madrid, but, the popular candidate for mayor of Getafe and CEO of the Metro, are mounted in a line and stage the argument that the subway line 3 fails to Getafe, because Mayor Pedro Castro .

This trite message causes being conducted to collect signatures in the network, requiring to Esperanza Aguirre try to Getafe citizens like the rest of the inhabitants of the Community of Madrid.

Open Letter.


As Neighbor to Getafe I am writing to ask that regardless of the reason that manages to not perform the work that brings us to Getafe subway line 3, the citizens of this city, we appreciate you and his Government have no objection to pay in full the works to carry a meter to other populations of the CAM and Getafe have marginalized us.

You must understand that we are on the side of our Mayor, because although at the time assumed the commitment to co-finance the work, the subsequent acts that his Government was making, financing and executing the works under the Community budget for other municipalities, charging him with reason by requiring that the city of Getafe, and their citizens we must receive the same treatment. Especially when the neighbors as we are aware that the Community of Madrid has an obligation to provide services not performed, and the Municipality of Getafe who bears the financial burden.

face this cruel reality, I demand you to kindly reconsider its position and show it to you and your Government all / as the inhabitants of the Community of Madrid "are equal" with impartiality of the ruling political ideology our Corporation. We want the metro Villaverde-El Casar Ya!

Waiting for your reply, Sincerely.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Where Can I Find The I Heart Boobies Bracelet?

We feel discriminated bet

I force myself to demonstrate the stage show that represented popular MPs in the Assembly of Madrid. Notice that the scene receives the concurrence of the president Esperanza Aguirre, who is very satisfied with his "crack" Getafe.

And is that yesterday was a busy day for Ms. Aguirre. He made several public events to end the day in the city of Getafe. The theater stage Federico García Lorca, was the venue for the presentation of candidates for mayors of the municipalities in the south and west of the Community of Madrid.

congratulate the 120,000 residents of the town, and by extension to the Municipal Corporation. More specifically the popular mayor who chairs the Municipal Government. And it is not in these times, as getting the Government of Esperanza Aguirre (PP ) allocated 68 million euros, to finance and execute the work is not trivial work.

words, let it clear: "The pay Madrid." Remember that it was the only case there is more.

The fact differential occurs Neighbors Getafe. It is true that a compromise agreement of 2005, which the Corporation assumed part of the cost to bring a branch of Madrid to Getafe. History tells us that after the agreement is when Esperanza Aguirre, decides to take, finance and run rail infrastructure to connect to other municipalities. But Getafe and their 200,000, we require compliance with the signed. I reiterate that other citizens of the Community are fully lightened spending.

discriminator being serious and told him, is even more outrageous that the popular candidate for mayor of Getafe, Juan Soler and the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, José Ignacio Echeverría, 200,000 people scoff and use this issue to conduct election campaign.

We demonstrate that well, with traps and foul play are not going to win the May elections. Especially when the neighbors are aware that the Community of Madrid has an obligation to provide services not performed, and the Municipality of Getafe who bears the burden.
I said: to blackmail rebellion in the polls!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bodybuilders In Tanga

Great progress

conclusions and commitments

Monday, February 14, 2011

Pro Ana Thinspiration


me share with you an experience I had a few days ago, which allowed me to work with old planks.

I put on record. A friend of mine has an old edition of "Lazarillo de Tormes" that is very fond, because it was edited by his father back in the fifties of last century, as I explained her father was a printer and just running a small publishing house. Returning to the Lazarillo in question, this volume is dedicated in the year of editing by the publisher to a lady, and somehow, with the passage of time these two characters became the parents of my friend. Hence is the high esteem in this copy of Lazarillo de Tormes.

Sixty years after that in mind, my friend by cleaning his mother's house is in a wooden box tacos who soon recognized as the original prints of pictures of "Lazarillo de Tormes "with much affection treasures.
In these, he had the happy idea of \u200b\u200bimpressions framed so that once were a nice present for his mother and brothers and also a beautiful memory of his father. And knowing as my dealings with the ink roller and the spoon, that's when I come in, my friend asked me to help stamp these prints. I tell you to best put in the hands of professionals in a house of engraving, but she insisted that if possible I wanted to do personally, thereby reinforcing the emotional circle that surrounds the subject. With just a quick practice class stamped with the bucket method, which laughs and cafes ended with more than acceptable results and everyone is happy.

And i am just got to present images of the encounter with the art treasures and sentimental, which I am very pleased to have participated in some way.