Saturday, February 13, 2010

Will Retaining Wall Blocks Explode With Heat

And as anyone, least of seudoderechas seudopoeta pseudoleftism, poets, prostitutes of both sexes are going to silence me, something we have very clear and if you did all the dirty society and the terrible burden of their miseries, whether moral: the lead with very happy because they do not weigh, poets are prostitutes and society, social subjects they represent, here we are in "Books I unprintable" profile, blog, daily newspaper, one per book, but this time protected by their respective copiraights, I'll build slowly, as if I expect to have money to publish on paper ... That

Machado said:
knows how to wait, wait for the tide flow,
-well on the coast a boat without the worry from you. All that awaits
knows that victory is theirs;
because life is long and art is a toy.
And if life is short and fails
the sea to your gallery, looks
without leave and always hopes,
that art is long and, well, never mind. I just see blood


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