Shame of the stupidity of others gives us ... If true
I leave my "units" (sounds pompous as to call it the dismal dwellings) to my mother in which dominating the TV programs more fools that one can imagine, "the only thing on TV" she says, not that, apart from documentary that are conspicuous by their total absence in the common access television for the landless, there is nothing else worth seeing, I hear in that infamous program (or one to qualify is right that there should not exist) "Save me" call, perfect antonym the "Doom" is his name (destruction of women, not only of men as the folk song sings) I hear from one of the little guy there stupidest exhibit their daily taken as a format for success in television programs, the meanest everyday rough banish even in villages and slums, the most embarrassing gossip doing as news, I hear you spit at the mouth with undisguised glee: "Thanks to all who have made my blog is the most visited in Google!"
We have it here: If this, the banes cotilleantes (fits both the intellect and to the very human rights: no one should be subjected to this rule, especially the minds of children and the elderly, and so many unfortunate minds of adults without brain, the vilest degradation of living) that saves have, is the most preferred here, WHERE WE HAVE COME DUE TO OTHER THINGS LIKE VERY MUCH TO CHANGE THE WORLD filthy IN WHICH WE ALL LEVELS. .. Turn off the internet too, and let's go.
That I should I do from the first year here I was, and perhaps would have taken the last years of life that gives me the existence (existence, for many reasons, should never be written, did not deserve world like this, there come here to this: we know just how destroyed, how wretched we are reduced to the absence of silence) that the only favor estrambote ineffective that we provide. And I have saved the unnecessary confrontation with poets and infrapoetas they consider the sexual and wipes clean or dirty, not just the exclusive domain of the very blogs but poetry, as if being a person not be going beyond all day thinking meneársela or meneárselo (male and female subject), all this with the sublime or the naturalism that you want, not be more than that (meneárselo, meneársela, organs of generation or erogenous and thus indissoluble embrace ego attached) FOR PLEASURE, more than theirs, "poets" at six o'clock or 0:30 in the verticality of his ego-erogenous POWERS OF MANY IN THE WORLD AND ARE HAPPY WITH THEIR COUNTRIES THE EXISTENCE OF INFINITE "Save me" entertainment programs MASS (never better known as the stunning and most repulsive indoctrination, nor Hitler came to such degradation) O WITH THE POETRY AND TRUTH AND BE INVOLVED TO HONDURAS MENEÁRSELO MENEÁRSELA !
... Turn off, and let's go. And to swear, oh mother of my mother that this does not reduce your final years of this garbage, much more than Diogenes syndrome, television, that all those poets or aspiring to the same ego-erogenous any, they would indeed be our salvation if salvation comes from this mob also owns television and blogs are the most visited (or rather tricked by computer for the same purpose: to obtain these results)
Someone here we face one of those many poets ego-erogenous we say, with more wit or fortune or life that is gone. And they want to yell "Back!". All blogs out because politiquillos fourth row, but the power soar (remove Rosa Díez, one of the few people in politics we deserve a little respect, that of throwing everything into the face of the politicians of the two parties alternating-criminals in power that the degradation in which for thirty years, the same as Franco dictatorship, or nearly so, have plunged the lives of all the English, both criminals who exploit Spain did not want being English as the unfortunate who do want to be as we are and we have had to endure and make offerings and mortgage to the prosperity of some thieves our entire existence, both mental and the most primary subsistence), and this rabble, that political life hovers or degraded communal television reputations, they were not ... "Most visited". I just see blood
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