Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Best Brands Of Concelers

ME AND I do not know why what I write in "No freedom of expression," the luminous title reminded me of Jose Luis Sampedro "The lesbian lover q


Can there be such a figure, "the lesbian lover," but not to the connotations that gives José Luis in his novel?

course was a success as the titulito, I tell the sales results of your editorial, "suggested by some female company that had close? From him, lesbians.

Anyway, I must confess. I would like to take body that "lesbian lover" (not José Luis Sampedro, or Sade-Masoch, submission domination relation on one foot or so unsatisfactory as they are often like the males, hence that of Masoch, Masochism. He had applied to himself, but always and in all places, that masochistic submission bland and not forced the others to interpret them) to correspond with him. Anyway, I have that calling in me unspoken, that Pizarnik recounted it in his diaries: Those eager to be the editor of correspondence were the Portuguese nun and others ... Sure is, as mistress of one, or lesbian. Joppa

! Do you cartearías with Adolf Hitler set in a literary one? To each his correspondence.

correspond with something like a ghost, do with "lesbian lover."
Although it is known that the literature is not nothing but a conversation with the ghosts or the dead ... or the unborn. So are the readers. Especially one. Also some otr @

's not my fault but the lesbian lover , if one can not bequeath to posterity, or that, his correspondence.
O it is my fault! : I refuse to give birth as anathema, that unicorn! I'm not at all Borges and Bestiary. Save another novel over the world, was the couple NOVEL excellent. Slaughter never paid enough.

What a novel two-handed, as pianos and recitals? One such is illiterate ... do not know if anyone is ever tried this. What the book with two covers, or you start to read to you either at the beginning and leads the Gordian knot center, that being the end of the two separate entrances to the novel itself, or knot or anything, but that END OF STORY ... It's something I think and I plagiarized. While plagiarism is far from the originals.

My lesbian lover! O my novel to two hands like piano! Oh my novel!

I think I can afford to sigh for my lack of faith in the unattainable.
would be easier to go down the pit Pizarnik to catch up with one to make that ... incunable would be so desolate, or is all "The Bible of the Devil" ("Codex Gigas") it was, this giant book that is one meter long by two feet wide and guard the Swedes. This gentleman gives blogspot.com already done the work, if you want to know more about this "Bible of the Devil": http://jorgemarioconsole.blogspot.com/2007/09/la-biblia-del-diablo.html


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