Saturday, November 21, 2009

Black Hills Spruce Tree

If atendiésemos as everything and everyone calls us or motivates us ... gods with all the time should be

And only that God exists;
and is called:
Attend all that we call motivates us.
And all because we wanted a lot ...
but nothing was taken away,
for there is nothing to forgive,
and those who loved so much. I just see blood

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Where Can I Get Paregoric

And then came the wind sinking his knee on your side

and night came to claw I deleted.
What surprised if it was always there?
Did you think that tears do not
would play even if only to calm
the tip of your tongue dirty fire, fire
arsonist who deliberately to be
laughter stupid face
see another green incinerated
that point in your list
stinking desert fire which caused
if another victory?

Oh, you came the night that claw you erase, erase you
not hesitate.
And there is no match or dirty tip of the tongue
that this time you light up from the dirty luck,
lacking slit when innocent
the betrayal and death to enter hypocritical
idiot god in which you believed, you believed, you grew up
that any fire would be good dirty
this time it clean when you get burned.

Incéndiate papyrus twisted
redúcete the desert were are,
that if between the legs of your mother you were born, like all
alone the fact that you die.
And like everyone else.
That certain flowering arms
ahead when the soul of our green perspired
and the innocence of our Paradise
slipped so stupid dirty, treacherous snake
with its load of incendiary drivel creeping deserts
that extend to their being crooked.

Does that await flowering arms
the touch of your tongue bifid
made to wither ...
if the wind comes then sinking your side
if the blow of the night you delete? ----------------------------------------------


few tips that Cervantes could not plagiarize or quote me in their fight against windmills forgetful:

A fleeing enemy ... which leaves us relaxed life.

In asthmatic casanova skirt does not look how old you are, what
forbid maiden
who drowned in a flash.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sample Welcome Poeam For Church

Speaking of "freedom creates responsibility," he said at Nebrera -muy.html ,
phrase that I ended by saying: NO PROFIT sucks. Consider:
Do only for children, old, drunk, or when we have enough money, come from where come, we are free enough to speak out of character to us, and openly purchased the detached, or that we can not , we no longer know how to handle, or not interest us as safe to handle when we are behind of our positions eminent slag the most fantastic, and openly purchased unfinished or finished we do not inculcate in our society which is valued as decline in our educations.

"Being young, being an adult, and parakeet and poor is having wasted time spent on representations? I just see blood

Monday, November 2, 2009

Neck Pain That Gets Worse As The Day Goes On

What degree of corruption and degradation of all is coming to start Revolutions? Bloodless if possible, because if bloody,

on cases in history is to know that in the bloody often take over the same kind of rabble that is recessed by these revolutions.

write the thread finished writing it on my "To end the world" And the case Rodrigo de Santos in the Balearic Community.

And I think if there were no brothels or prostitution in general or to local needs when it's already the street, if there were no supply or whores hustlers, vainly would demand, as there would be no drug if effectively extinguished all the camels. And not saying we should hookers or hustlers extinguish, but to put Curran, whether or not crisis, in the work all play if need be by preparing to execute them. I think the sr. Rodrigo de Santos would have gone to meet its need homosexual other more normal ways and social, which all his colleagues use, not their colleagues, political figures and executives of the media, entertainment, world culture: @ candidat tempted to shift to a place on the radio or television program of the day (and the King himself relocated to their girlfriends ) in the newspaper column shift, a book published on duty at the scene tables turn (Is not that what we are seeing on television constantly, more ladybugs in the middle?)

At least sr would not have fallen. Rodrigo de Santos in the degree of degradation practiced homosexual brothels where someone must need, as supply allows, you mess up your ass a fist and arm to the elbow (I will be less. Always the macho exaggeration and especially in gay environments, machismo raised to the nth degree. And I do not mean to imply that they are so far from all the ladybugs; but there are Habel and many)


What degree of corruption and degradation have to arrive before the Revolutions clean all this crap based on all dark areas that most corruption and degradation which is the capital, consents? I KNOW WHAT YOU ALL CLAIM RECEIVED HERE: If there is no claim that the former corrupt, owners or managers of public funds (for me to private money has no other origin than that), installed in societies, there would be no supply. ACT AS THAT CLAIM AGAINST PUTTING ALL IN QUARRY AND LATRINES CLEANING OF ALL PUBLIC PLACES CONFISCATED AFTER ITS CAPITAL, AND KNOW HOW TO GET IF THEY ARE KEEPERS! Creative act against such claims of such offers, but without forgetting to take action against radio broadcasters newspapers, network or paper, scenarios, publishers, record companies, based on the same demand-supply policy: a degenerate OR CORRUPT IN THE OFFICE OPENING THE DOOR TO ALL OR MANY OTHER IS LIMITED TO BE PASSED BY THE STONE AS ONLY WAY TO PROSPER. I just see blood