Thursday, August 27, 2009

Does The Morning After Pill Make U Pee Alot?

may still exist" below d Cadiz Cadiz on lecturing me q my grandmother therefore

With that word of mouth fervor oral transmissions, the monody repeatedly to never forget the message conveyed. A message transmitted from the end of the last Ice Age 17,000 years ", 15,000?, When all costs the world is flooded by zeroing the planetary civilization that preceded us, for all Tarshish Tarshish, Andalus. Arabic and Visigothic at all that last name, if the Vandals, that if the Alans. Andalus, to be called even before being named Tarshish in the Old Testament, Tartesos or Hispania. Alandale Alandalus or so Atlantic name. Plato also came with much more seniority and "substance" from the knowledge of the Egyptian priests, that word of mouth it disappeared. Inverted commas "substance" because the power and injustice and misrepresentation of everything always attached, I fear that the Egyptian priests with who contacted Solon, who was with the story of Plato, were the most uninformed in comparison with the ancestors or Atlantic alandalusianos my grandmother.

And without irony, we must remember the enormous amount of submerged land between Scandinavia and Europe UK Ireland Denmark France Germany Netherlands! researchers have emerged were delimited by the end of the last glaciation. How many it would be between Africa and Europe?! Andalusia, southern Portugal, Canary Islands, Balearic Islands, Malta, Sicily, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, and our Melilla Ceuta, in addition to Crete, Cyprus, Greece, will know. Did you know? I know of no map drawn by the Mediterranean countries to define that end, the image of himself made by the countries of northern Europe. And the North European skeletons have only extracted mastodons and other extinct animals in the last glaciation, when the Southern European, North African let alone, how much cultural wealth have left to lose in its simple and no sea coast, land then emerged, those melting diluvian catastrophe that joins the union of the Black Sea to the Mediterranean. Would not also joined the famous Pillars of Hercules, where the Egyptian priests placed Atlantis to Solon, Plato, our Cadiz to Morocco? Famous disaster, but the Black Sea, the Atlantic Ocean Stripping out of its lake to the Mediterranean .... But I say this happened much earlier geological periods. Funny question. Then I will say to me what the deglaciation flooded south of Cádiz northern Morocco (... go and consult a political map of the world on the Internet. I take out my Atlas. Apart from the google earth browser you become home and who has time to devote to these geographical adventures Pyrrhic?) Sahara turned to desert oasis, that another catastrophe postdesglaciación ending ruin the best remnants of sunken Atlantis, which then would the Thera volcano.

We have a funny god guide us in this adventure of humanity on Earth: Once installed on the cusp of excellence and other disaster will come, and also announces deglaciation-desertification, which we reduced to prefaraónico period.

See this documentary and the like, far more serious that the very official science. Hear what he says archaeologist Jean Steen-Mzckintyre in this piece of video that I offer: "I did not realize that completely ruined my career. "Only by providing the reliable results of his discovery: 250,000 years old that she was investigating archaeological site in Mexico, not the 20,000 who were willing sad, from science officer, to grant. O nothing and the silence that was always under the old, 17,000 or 12,000 years, the Bolivian city of Tiahuanaco.

"knowledge filter" that tell the philosopher and historian of science here. "It is taught, not discussed, people are not aware of it. "Tiahuanaco has, not twelve and seventeen thousand years, but only three in 1500 at best." Archaeologists and anthropologists in the last 150 years have buried as many discoveries have unearthed evidence. "Before we dropped another killing again, and perhaps for the same reasons that to Atlanta, Atlanta, or Alandale, thanks to the very satanic or miserable fool God or fate guide us.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Climax For Alas Babylon

Who , which church Calvinist or Calvinist, Protestant and Catholic, apologized for the persecution and murder of Miguel Servet, when apologies

be heard from the Vatican for having burned alive there Giordono Bruno? Apologies. Although retrograde Catholics who run the most successful multinational or duration the world still consider crime ... that Giordano Bruno thought, not just what you thought.

The murder of Servetus by Protestant Christians, as bastards as Catholics, Christians of that time as bastards or sons-of-god, like today, killing, burning at the stake with green wood to burn later. Giordano sure with the Roman church did not take many exquisite 'discomfort' to make you burn slowly.

Miguel Servet, English with intellect and decent it, that's what we expect our "country? (We will interrogárnoslo) do for us: If you commit the worst atrocities against us ... that they, the authorities should be there to protect us, those who initiate, as in the case of Servetus consenting Roman church that bitch, multinational centuries of success with everything you stole from Spain and gave our kings bastards, consenting to the Roman church settled here bitch put to flight at the mercy of other Christian religious fanatics one of the best minds . Consent to what they invented, discovered, write, think, those English who were left so miserably massacred, or started, perhaps even consummated, the same slaughter here by such and such "respectable" all authorities (not so respectable as illiterate, the awkward squad firing squad) in this country as a nest of vipers in their true 'prophets', geniuses True, agree that what they invented, discovered or wrote those massacred in the end to become famous by others: other, and not even patriotic, they discovered, invented it, wrote it. I think that's the end of many of my letters. WROTE THE OTHER.

you Do you respected authorities Miguel Servet this filthy country, or require repairs on your behalf, when even your discovery of blood circulation leads an Englishman famous without anyone denouncing the intellectual theft, I would respect you miserable body or dust from the moment that made you burn in the day, and then international Geneva ("place so as banks retreat intellectuals, intellectuals who even wanted there his grave?, intellectuals massacred certainly not singing about you but Presidents or genocide or other, about other cultures genocide the most), if you look where we are the living? I just see blood