Sunday, April 27, 2008

New Lcd Tv Looks Blurry In Non-hd


If I had to migrate back to Mexico, which inevitably abandon in four weeks, live, without thinking twice, in Condesa.

When my circumstances (yes, those that vary as much as a teenager undecided) forced me to find a place to deposit my humanity and six bags with my clothes and four dozen books, traveled half the city looking for the perfect place to move (first mistake, the "ideal" does not exist, it is only a pretense of our minds, claims useless but indispensable, as love, happiness or eternal life).

reviewed tens or hundreds of economic announcements, made so many calls that irritated me the ear and walked the streets and avenues of Mexico in the most devious and processional schedule that can be imagined. For starters, my circumstances (again) attempted against me, a guy who wants to rent an apartment for five months is suspect, uneconomic and uncomfortable, it is not uncommon negative soon began to happen. Then find a spacious but not huge, comfortable but not luxurious, small but claustrophobic, it becomes a way of the cross, so that among the "no" to those who have never been my home and "not" mine, the result was a disaster. Finally, something closer to despair than an epiphany led me to revise my notes and call back to the hotel that was ruled by the bizarre propaganda ("Your home away from home") and because their rates were a clear threat to my budget . Expert

already reading the ads that appear in newspapers and the Internet (which a "secured parking" was "the space you find on the street" and a "bathroom" infamous shower under a ladder) I was not surprised that the bar and gym were just in the imagination of the writer and the friendly staff actually be "fluent in two languages, English and Mexican ... None of that was important, the place was clean, had been doing relatively little remodeling, furniture were quite good and the "junior suite" had enough space for ten paces separated the table of the king bed that was offered generous. Josefina have known that not only was responsible for cleaning who negotiated politely but washing my clothes were the last reason I needed to decide.

Until then Condesa neighborhood was like a completely unknown which had heard a thousand things (bars, restaurants, bohemian nightlife) but where there was only gone twice, the first by half a bar on the roof snob recycling an old hotel where neither the sushi or the attention justified the amount of a bill that canceled the gold corporate card of one of the guests (those were the days!) and the second, a bar room where I was listening to delight Rejas voice, my student, one of the few names I carry in his pack of Mexican souvenirs.

go on both occasions had been nothing more than an adventure, streets and parks and avenues were crossed with no apparent order, made strange circles and lost rookie, each time, three or four runs were necessary to find the respective premises. In addition, parking is impossible and must submit to the goodwill (and price) of the valet parking, an institution in Mexico. So decide for that quarter (with the little information that we had) was little more than a loose cannon, to my luck, hit home the only duck that flew over the site.

I soon discovered that Countess is walking, so I decided to recover I had lost the habit in my laziness. I was determined to wear out the streets, as Borges said, giving me no other guide than a couple of points of reference and some common sense to walk every street, every room, every park, going into every shop, every café, waving and asking, kindly letting Mexicans inalienable foreign guided steps lost in the middle of the streets of a friendly and beautiful neighborhood, but Mario says no, I found your Barranco and Miraflores my old and decadent teens. An old space but definitely not old, because with lonely ladies who walk their dogs and gentlemen solos melancholy drinking coffee in the same place as always, also coexists a multitude of young couples with children excited about excess blood sugar that roam the gardens hysterically happy (nothing is perfect), and it also looks like someone is an appearance, running dozens of girls in tight pants (to rejoice more and gain less) by a huge park not only has the natural scenery of trees but has a tireless supply vendors offering from a juice fresh fruit and tortured to a delicious slice of greasy french fries.

But what I fell in love with Countess were not its parks and its streets taken by trendy bars, cafes and restaurants that can not keep up because they look permanently crowded the Mexican middle class that can be spent between ten and forty dollars without jeopardizing the family budget. No, what I fell in love with Countess were the four or five streets around the hotel where I live (whose inhabitants, as far as I've seen and as far as the concierge told me, are a varied fauna ranging from the employer who uses sexagenarian modosita shelter to foreign-prostitute-and high-flying home established here in the months remaining in the city and the environment, temporary workers, students from the provinces, migrants seeking home, lovebirds and even a noble discreet old woman who has decided to spend his last days in a bathrobe and curlers sharing his room with memories and ghosts). About

"home" is possible to find a butcher shop (those in the neighborhood who sell meat only and not intended to act as supermarkets, and whose services will no longer use because I do not cook-), an academy of flamenco (in which I inscribe only by sharing "tablao" with women, arrogant and stylish, whose silhouettes, which are behind the curtains, with that gesture and the rudeness with which I imagine all the gypsies), a bakery pretentious (not only smells delicious hot cakes but also has an oven bodeguita and up from where some chickens worthy of note and whose door of the bakery, not the oven-positioned vendors offering unforgettable avocados, tacos the way, crackling crispy and sauces and dressings "home" I have not tried but the ladies of the neighborhood buy in huge quantities), a pharmacy unserved mildly (which still serves the owner, as is de rigueur, is old and cranky and always cleaning the glass in the futile effort to improve their image), a movie rental store (which I can not access because I have a utility bill and the border of the window does not include "live in a hotel, Miss"), a "beauty salon (which I always empty), an ice cream (which, like all ice cream shops in Mexico, is called" Michoacan "), a fancy restaurant ( I say "the boys in the valet parking to those who provided health-specialty is duck, which I love, and which I promised to invite me before the end of May and with it my Mexican season), a library old (full of used books, filled with shelves and shelves where lies the wisdom of mankind at a bargain price, which sometimes I go just to remember the combined aroma of wood, cardboard the covers and leaves worn and hands of thousands of volumes that lie there), two cafeterias (one modern and apparently comfortable that no one goes and the other with old furniture and stiff wooden chairs, which always is full), a chocolate (which prepares a delicious hot chocolate is superb along with a cake of the same flavor and Homeric proportions whose only fault is the pile of shredded pecans with which I deal with for a long time before such delicacy wage a dispensable ornament and annoying), a center of "spinning" (whose schedules whimsical cross-happy-with mine), a therapy center slimming (where the promoter me lustful looks from your desk and not because my slender figure but tempted by the juicy commission would imply a contract to get off weight), two stations (one I have ever used and another whose only virtue is my attachment to the more mundane routine customs), a seafood restaurant (which I would never go for the absurd but pervasive prejudice that Mexico is "very far from the sea"), a Japanese food (not tempt me) and another pasta (which I have not entered because it is always full and I consistently refuse to queue for a youth trauma left me President Garcia in his first term, where supply and shortage symmetrically increased corruption).

That's it. Condesa love because it reminds me of my youth sites, the directions of my early years. Condesa love it preserves the serenity of the old neighborhoods illuminated by the vitality of its young tenants. Most conservatives are complaining about the proliferation of shops, the traffic every day more complicated, the buildings standing on the corpses of old houses that housed families that the time apart, the bars and music, the plans to build more parking lots and dark intentions to close some avenues for the benefit of traders. Maybe

doomsayers are right, it may be that traditional Condesa is dying, but I've never seen a more flowery decay. Ever, as now, I have returned to those parks and those streets beat my childhood, where I believed in dreams, where he was a child.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Can You Drink Perrier When Pregnant


As you said Borges, "the solution of the mystery is always less than the mystery therefore be brief.

I went to the elevator to go to my eighth meeting, this time with a school in Romania (whose location I was excited but whose work-with four children eight years filled me with dread). While waiting, I met again with Philip, "what?" He asked. I told him I had two offers "strong", UAE and Indonesia, asked his advice. "Emirates is very good place to work, but Indonesia is extraordinary, is one of the most prestigious schools, teachers are so coveted they say that after working in Jakarta can go to work anywhere." "Yes," I replied absently, dizzy in my own ramblings, without noticing too much on what he told me what I'm thinking. " "What are you thinking?" Retorted surprised, without that little tone and mocking irony that characterizes it, something happened ... "After I talked to them for an hour!". I looked at and understood. "That information was missing," I said and he did not understand anything. uttered "thanks" and walked away, lit.

with Romania was a friendly conversation about ... Emirates and Indonesia. Tammy, a charming and beautiful woman in the home stretch of their quarantine, I was greeted with much enthusiasm but immediately saw my face so that only women who are mothers can see and asked, "Have you offers that interest you, no?". I looked sorry and guilty, she smiled. I said yes and agreed that, with two proposals to teach in high school, the position she was in primary, was not ideal, "if I gave you an appointment but have no experience with children, was by your books Children and your recommendations, I liked. " From then on he told me of his experiences both in the Middle East and Asia, had over twenty years in the international schools circuit. I spoke of advantages and disadvantages, customs and traditions and, as if it were an old friend, I spent half an hour of your time (which in these circumstances is crucial) giving me all the advice imaginable to make my next life more bearable expatriate teacher.

What followed was a process, a tour of the hotel.

First, Korea, to tell the nice lady who was waiting there, who declined the appointment so graciously gave me because "I have accepted a job offer", then to Indonesia , to say "yes" (smiles, shaking hands, hugs, congratulations, welcome, "for now there is nothing to sign, we need only your word, tomorrow you will receive an email making it a formal offer, just answer and the process start "), and finally, to United.

Alan greeted me with that kindness so natural, so human with that gesture, it is impossible to be fascia. received the "no thanks" with the same calmness with which he spoke and said "so this business, do not worry." I asked about the new job, where it was, how good were the conditions and, after listening narrate the whole story, reflected: "It's hard to compete with that offer, if I were in your position would have taken the same decision." We parted as two friends who attend (and something tells me see him again.)

Everything else was predictable, the congratulations, laughter, greetings, good wishes, camaraderie among strangers who met here this weekend. I talked to Sally, who received happy news, as if it were his child, I spoke with Philip and Carol celebrated the new and congratulated me.

was Saturday night and the show ended for me.

Marc took a job in Thailand (so we'll see), Jessica is up to us to Poland (to choose among half a dozen very good deals), Gail will explore the Middle East in a Maki school in Dubai and decided to stay another year in Mexico. Of the other knew that Judy decided to Brazil and was chasing Randall position in Argentina. The interesting Cuban never saw her again.

On Sunday morning I left for the airport. still owe them a long visit to Nicolas, Paco, Simon and Varun, Stephanie and Catherine, my former students, my friends now, how well I did and with whom I spent those nights eating hamburgers and talking endlessly, so the fierce cold warmth of Boston seemed to fall apart.

Now I'm here in the Federal District that looks more cloudy since I know that I'm, like I say "stay" as if the streets me invited to continue walking as if his offer me one last coffee cappuccino, as if the meter promised to take new routes to new stations and new destinations, as if it were possible to get a life here, remake, complete, find the lost path I same. But Caesar said, "the die is cast" and throw me to this new challenge, excited and curious, as the child I was, like the child I am, sometimes, when it rains in the afternoons, when she smiles a woman, when a bird sings, when a man cries, when the sun and moon are at the same time. I figure since coming to my new room with the same emotion that I entered my first class, Mary Grace, my first former student, whom I love so much does not let me lie.

The ships burn in the bank, the past is a lot of memories (sometimes hot, sometimes cruel, but necessary) and I am not of those who stand and wait for the salvation or death come from the sky. I keep walking and if the old gods want, the next tread on July 25, even with thirty-eight, Jakarta, Indonesia, Asia, and begin, once again, another day.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

What Camera Hannie Dropkick Take


I do not know if my attitude changed, I do not know if my self-esteem suffered a sudden overdose of adrenaline, I do not know if the stars aligned or the gods, the old gods did their thing, I only know that from that moment I knew my destiny was beginning to weave far, far away, in a place that even I could not imagine.

The second meeting with representatives of the school in China was the head of it could be my boss, an older man, traditional, traditional asked questions. I noticed that we were interrupted twice by bureaucratic, and although the girl who knocked on the door was close to a temptation I remained unmoved. I do not know what might be, but felt that she was going to be my director (who told me "we are the two" on Friday) I did want to hire me as your boss (the superintendent) was not convinced. It ended with a nice long "before five in the afternoon you leave a message in your folder."

Although the interview with China ("great school, great opportunity") had not been very encouraging, I felt relaxed, had an offer in my pocket and I am filled with peace and calm. I went down to "place" and I got to talk to Jessica while we waited for Marc to go to eat something, he arrived after an hour and fly to the cafeteria. Before the advice of the beautiful, we went to see if we had mail. Do I have written to China? I was surprised not to find anything about them and, instead, found a message from Indonesia found me unprepared. Asking me to communicate "just might" and I called them. "We'd love to see you again," Joseph told me and said "great, I can at this moment." He asked me half an hour "to complete an interview," and I quoted "at 14:30. I let go of Jessica and Marc, my lunch would have to wait.

That half hour passed slowly as a procession and I, like a caged animal (and hungry), paced the corridors. When the time came I walked to the elevator and passed through the room where Philip recruiters lunch so I thought it was a fruit salad. I greeted him and said, "Hi, boss, I'm going for a second interview with those of Indonesia", "I know," he said, "I talked with them," and that's good? "I asked intrigued "We'll see," replied the phlegmatic English tone that characterizes it, "then tell me." I went

more curious (more impatience and hunger), and waited. About two and forty opened the door, came a lady who had that ageless aspect of primary teachers, all made her a smile, said goodbye to Joseph and David. They accounted for the dismissal sparingly as friendly and greeted me, made me go and apologized for the delay. I had not yet established itself well in the chair when David shot, "Actually the purpose of this second meeting is to provide a place in Jakarta." I guess the confusion came over my face but before he could utter a word, Joseph spoke to me and said, in twenty minutes, what was the job offer that I was doing, I spoke of the benefits, requirements, needs and challenges of the position, adding "we are convinced that you're the right person." Something that gave me great joy was knowing that, beyond my papers or my CV, which had decided to propose to the job were "your references, not just those of parents who speak highly of your relationship with students, but those of your boss, with whom we just speak at length. " They said they did not want to take a hasty decision and asked "when do you think you can give us an answer? "I, I hate going to sleep with uncertainties (you never know if you'll wake up tomorrow), I replied," before the end of the day. "

I went, not yet recovered from the shock, our "headquarters." My friends had returned to eat a hamburger and began with the recounting of events. Jessica was already about four job offers, Marc had not convinced him and was waiting for two that appeared to be very attractive. For its part, Gail had received two proposals, one that not too excited and over that he loved but whose economic package was less attractive. If I did twenty-four hours tormented us know if we were going to get even an offer, now lay in what concerns Hamletian accept. Sally

As previously announced, things moved quickly that day, were not three-thirty in the afternoon when there appeared the famous little signs stuck in the door, "my roommate and got a job and went to Boston if anyone wants to share room to lower costs, call me at .... "

"The hard part begins when you have to decide," Sally had said, and he was right. Countries began to compare offers, possibilities and, in conversation, Marc said "I would not go anywhere where you need to share my apartment with others, not that it is not too exquisite, I'm already too old for that, what if the other likes the music you hate or have other customs or is messed up? ". I had not thought of that, but what he said was quite true. Like Marc, I have my year travels, my hobbies, my habits and change is sufficient and live in a distant country where they speak another language surrounded by coworkers who do not speak your language (I said in every interview, "I know that I will be an expat even among expatriates, but I like the challenge and improve my English. ") Willing

to find "the best among all the offers" general review of each school that we had proposed work or that we believed we could do (in my case, China was still pending and I still have interviews with Romania and Korea, two cards without playing that showed interesting, especially one that would allow me to go live in old Europe, that place so many centuries left some of my blood). We use all tools at our disposal, magazines, inserts, brochures, advertisements, web pages and, above all, the program that has the association. It is a very useful and allows recruiters to have the information base of applicants, in the same way, offers teachers a very clear summary of the work packages that each institution offers, which makes it easy to research.

"What they offer is what we offer," said Jessica when at some point I commented that maybe what was written on the page was more referential than real, "recalls that standard contracts, it is difficult for a company to change its policy for you "Then I thought of Eddie (who was in the midst of all this), he already had told me that," except an interest or special need of the school ", which was offered what existed and that the margin trading was very limited. "The Americans are not like Latin letters are kept up his sleeve to see how much you order and how much can be saved, they have a fare and stick to it, for better or for worse", and it was true, the "bargaining" that wonderful Latin custom means that the seller raises the price of the product only to give the buyer the pleasure of "turn down" the cost, is something that I have rarely seen in North America, which includes many "deals" and "auction" but not depend on the customer's negotiation skills but of the willingness (or necessity) of the company. Yes, the famous and sometimes odious, "take it or leave it" for the gringos also applies to international contracts.
While all proposals Marc found the insert of a school and had interviewed him and that he ruled, "Yes, yesterday I met with the school that is in the UAE and they told me, in the Middle East is restricted housing supply, so those who will share their own department. " She handed me the paper and looked at every page that information and found he was right. Clearly read in the section entitled "Holidays": "The school offers an apartment for marriages and an apartment for every two teachers traveling alone, with bedroom and private bathroom, thinking it was not so serious - "private bathroom" - but it was a weak point to take into account.

I guess when one is eighteen years old is fascinated by the idea of \u200b\u200bliving in an apartment with friends but, twenty years later, they weigh other considerations. The house is the corner that you have to be after a day of work, to collect himself, to find peace and rest, no matter who is occupying a mansion or just thirty square meters, it is important that you have a room "yours" to receive your friends or enjoy your solitude, to listen to music or read silently, to enjoy mental, physical, and even that digestive-privacy and intimacy that allow us to remake, complete it and be social beings most of the time.

"This is a fair, comprehensive framework," they come to choose the teachers they love and we also accept the best offer you is clear, "the pragmatic view of my new friend from long ponytail I left thinking ...

Saturday, April 5, 2008

What Cream Should I Use After A Brazilian

began early Saturday. He was a key day, the highlight of this fair, since the first interviews conducted on Friday (and logic to "convert the first with whom I am most interested"), and several colleges have offerings that morning for many of the five hundred teachers inundábamos corridors, cafeterias and bathrooms of the hotel. According to Sally told us, "the institutions are asked to give them to applicants within 24 hours to assess the proposals and make a decision." We knew the pressure would be great, and "bid" for hiring teachers was a separate battle would deliver directors and personnel managers. Jessica, who knows everything, finished very well explain, "It starts Saturday when the real tension, because Friday arrived with the worry of getting interviews and, if things went well, we get two or three bids and so begins the most difficult, choice. Worse is when the school you are really interested in Paris or Tokyo, you just cited the Saturday afternoon and that day in the morning, you get a tempting offer from a school that is in Samarkand and Tanganyika, places where has no plans to move out next semester, then, do you expect to risk losing this offer, accept the risk of losing the dream of opportunity or stay stagnant and out of work? "Poor Hamlet!

Amid such uncertainty, at least one certainty we lit; and we were there because we needed a job, they-managers of dozens of schools around the world also needed to fill their vacancies and had not traveled to Boston to enjoy the magnificent, icy winter wind that weekend. We try to get a minute in the shoes of "them" and had not understood that his best days ahead. Many came from Africa or Asia, in endless flight, with three or four levels, and crazy time zone changes that were made "back in time" ten or twelve hours (which then "lost" to return). They, like us, ran the same risk of leaving with empty hands and no signed contract. Sure, the budget allowed them to go even to the next three or four missing fairs held in other parts of the world (although Boston is the largest-so given the trot, and, therefore, is where offer more and better teachers). However, as time was running against him and against the strict sense of planning for these institutions to put together calendars a year in advance. It was not hard to imagine, then, that the mere idea of \u200b\u200bgetting to Budapest, Thailand, Zimbabwe or elsewhere to work, without adequate teachers, necessary and indispensable the start of classes next semester, should not make them very happy. Speculated as to avoid thinking about our own good or bad luck, to return a month on tour with empty hands (and blank contracts) could not see very well in giving explanations to the "Board" which is, after all, that ratification of these organizations or non-managers.

animatedly talked all this while having breakfast. Last night we agreed, "the group" meet at seven in the morning in the hotel restaurant where the fair was taking place. Jessica was a clock and when I arrived, it was early, and was waiting. Gail went down after a while, he was staying at the hotel and minutes later Maki, and had taken the first orange juice when Marc arrived man carrying a sleeping face unpresentable, "What happened?" Said Jessica and I "Sure he went to bars with a guest of his hotel," I said sarcastically and all laughed. No, never been so fun sleepless the night before the fire alarm rang in his hotel at three o'clock, he ignored sovereign alarm until a policeman, a very bad temper, attacked his door telling him not was a sham and should "evacuate the building." What had happened?, "A short circuit, a pump, a cigarette is not put out? No, it was a false alarm on a young worshiper of Bacchus in the impunity of his drunkenness.

Marc told us all this while and we laughed a buffet despachábamos americanísimo (such as cholesterol and triglycerides sends recommended), with tons of fat evenly distributed between scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and ham on the grill. Huge banquet and a hilarious story, told with the sarcastic tone of Marc and seasoned with my cynical, encouraged us mentally as we were speculating about what might happen in this day "crucial." All had at least a second interview with a school and several "firsts" that allowed us to suppose that things still going well, that nothing was written and as someone said, "the ball is still rolling." A tower of pancakes, with lots of maple syrup were the last, silent witnesses of our early-morning chat.

At eight o'clock we left the table and went to wash the watch calmly as did his thing. Each developed its role of activities and launched into the adventure. I had no trouble, just at nine o'clock had agreed a meeting with Malaysia and a little later, with Indonesia. China had asked me a second meeting and we agreed it was about noon. After lunch, Romania and Korea, closed my list.

The Malaysia meeting was formal, friendly but very formal, stuffy, full of formulas and conventions which lasted during these interviews and a handshake stayed at "communicating." Without much trouble and time to spare, I went to the penultimate floor where it would be my meeting with Indonesia.

I received two gentlemen, very nice. You could tell they had done their homework because they knew exactly who he was and what my experience, we talked many things, from me, my stories as a teacher, my stay in Mexico, the new circumstances that made me re-emigrate. It was all very informal, within the formality of the situation, "very nice" as far as three strangers are pleasing, and very comfortable, as far as can be comfortable to wear the suit that disguises me who I am, sitting on a couch made for standard sizes and not for "extra large" like me. Half an hour passed in a flash and parting, when the next interview and knocked on the door-I asked if any of the people I had tested was at the fair. I said "yes, Carol and Philip", and explained who they were when they gave their room numbers. With a smile and a "we are in contact," he closed the meeting.

I was on the first floor corridors, waiting for my second meeting with the school in China, when it happened the first revelation (thanks to good advice of Sally, "stay visible, walking through the different rooms, the hallways, buy a coffee shop where everyone more than once been offered a job in an elevator. ")

While I was doing in line to buy a diet soda ("those who do not get fat but give cancer "), Alan approached me, one of the nicest recruiters with whom he had spoken, who, although he was director in Cyprus, was looking for a school teacher of one of the UAE belonging to the same company he works for . He greeted me with affection, I asked "How are things going?" And said "I want you to someone." I left the row that led to the kingdom carbonated water and walked a few steps up the escalator leading to the restaurant where I had breakfast while Alan reported: "He is the director of our school in the UAE for which I am looking for a teacher English, I want you to know. " We waited a moment until he had to say goodbye to a lady who riddled him with questions and we approached, we shook hands, exchanged a few pleasantries, I made a couple of questions and leave with the same courtesy with which he greeted me. Alan went with him but he said, "do not miss, that after we speak."

I returned for my gas, I found an interesting Cuban professor who also was looking for a job "English teacher" and I got distracted talking to my friendly competitor, as almost all, huge black eyes opened when I said to one of telling questions "I'ma writer." The conversation with the Cuban (divorced, childless, New York, thirty-two) ended when the clock told me it was time to move again toward the floor corresponding skeleton.

I stopped the elevator thinking how would this second interview with China. I had explained to be invited to a second meeting with a school was great, which is usually done to deepen the knowledge of the likely teacher and citing only those who had "great potential". That encouraged me, and go to Asia, to know that ancient culture, the Great Wall, pagodas, rice fields, large industrial cities, Beijing and the mystery of that country with such people, as they say someone said, "If all the Chinese to agree and kicked the floor at the same time, would stagger the world."

I was "enmimismado" front of the elevator, in the midst of my Asian fantasy, when Alan approached me again. Came with that sincere smile that won my respect, a natural smile, quite distant from the other thousands who had been so practiced, so imposts, so cartoonish that reminded me that, finally, we were selling the pictures for us to buy. I asked if he had "a minute" and took me to one side of the corridor as I explained with that paternal tone which he perceived honest, "the director wanted you to know it is with him that would work."

If it were a movie, that had been the right time to put the music on hold, however, the silence that surrounded us was enough. For three seconds I looked incredulous face the castaway who does not know whether what we see on the horizon is the island that is going to save sharks or a piece of wood that distance and fatigue becomes a cruel false hope . Alan comprehensive smiled and added, in case of doubt, do not let me understand what was happening: "I'm offering the position Professor. "

What will have been my expression that I said, "take it easy, Meditate, and afternoon talk, surely you have several more appointments?". I told him that I had meetings, made some mental calculations and fired: "perfect, there's no hurry, I wait at six and a half, there I will cause the financial offer and give you the details of the school, meanwhile, go thinking the ability to go live in the Emirates. "